Blog Introduction

My journey into the Blogosphere is coming soon!

This blog will combine my passions for travel, massage and photography. It will contain musings from my wanderings around the world along with information and resources for clients, massage therapists and fellow travelers. Thanks for stopping by.

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Massage Traveler

Ann Janca is the founder and hands behind Massage Traveler. She lives and works in Seattle, Washington, 8-9 months of the year and provides mobile massage to her clients at their location. The other 3-4 months, she can be found relaxing in a hot spring or spa during her travels around the world. She is a licensed massage therapist and esthetician who has visited over 80 countries on 6 continents. She searches for unique spa and massage experiences around the world.


  1. Nathana Janca on February 23, 2020 at 8:50 pm

    Yes! I cannot wait to see your travels and your blogs about them. 80 countries!? That’s phenomenal. Keep it up!

As Seen In:

AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)

"On the Go"

Meet Ann
